Digital Marketing for Marine Business
Attention is on the Phones | Not Boat Magazines


by Luis Salazar, November 15, 2019
Everywhere you go today, you can probably spot people walking down the street buried in their phone, potentially driving and looking at their phone, or even laying in bed and clinging to their phone before they fall asleep. 

If you think you spend less than an hour per day on your mobile device, think again.

Research shows that the average American spends over four-hours per day on their mobile device. Just think about that for a minute. 

25% of your lucid time each day is spent buried in your phone, sending text messages, checking social media, reading the news, or answering work correspondence. 

And as you can imagine, statistics show these numbers are only increasing.

There’s no way to deny it: attention is on our phones. 

So much so, that our society is starting to suffer from social impairment and lack of “present awareness” that is critical for mindfulness, and ultimately happiness. 

But we’re not here to talk to you about the psychological side effects. We’re here to reiterate this point in a business sense.

What Are People Doing on Their Phones?
For one-quarter of your day, you’re using mobile apps to send mail, chat with friends, go on social media, read news, shop, and do a slew of other things related to consumption. 

The study we cited above found that the majority of our time on phones is spent inside these apps, namely social media apps.

Since our phones can provide us with news, information, online shopping, and connection, we don’t need to go to the store and pick up magazines or newspapers anymore. 

Everything we need is right in the palm of our hands.

This couldn’t be more true for boat magazines. 

Why look at boat ads in a magazine when you can just follow your favorite companies on Facebook or LinkedIn? 

Why spend on a magazine subscription when you can get all of your marine news for free? Exactly.

Wasted Money
The marine industry needs to realize that ads in boat magazines are a waste of investment. 

What type of reach can you guarantee from this kind of ad placement? 

Compare it to social media marketing, where you can hyper target the viewer and monitor every click they make, boat magazine ads just don’t make sense.

Millennials aren’t checking magazines any more. They are checking their phones, instead. 

We’re entering into a new world of instant information, and if that information isn’t made freely accessible, these new consumers are going to find where it is.

The Marine Industry still has time to change. 

Digital marketing is waiting for you. 

All you have to do is make the decision and commit.

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Instagram for the Marine Business in 2020 | eBook
What will you learn from this eBook?
  • Working with the Instagram Algorithm
  • Optimizing your Bio
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  • ​Measuring analytics of posts & stories
  • ​When to post
  • ​​Hacks tailored to the Marine Industry
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